Jordan Black

CEO & Co-Founder
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Jordan started his career in manufacturing as a technician fixing roller coasters at the Santa Monica Pier. From there he had notable internships at Ford and Enerpac where he became obsessed with American manufacturing and changing the culture to bring talented individuals to the workforce. After graduation, he went to SpaceX as a manufacturing development engineer for wire harnessing where he developed processes for Dragon, Falcon, and spacesuit products. Then was promoted to the youngest manager in Avionics to lead the research and development team. Jordan flew all over the globe to find better harness manufacturing suppliers for SpaceX. Jordan eventually discovered that harnesses were made with the cheapest labor possible and an incredible amount of overhead. He felt there had to be a better way to not only improve SpaceX’s harness supply chain, but the entire world’s. 

After 5 years of managing engineers and working on complex problems themselves, Jordan (CEO) and Ben (CTO) quit their jobs and embarked on this next chapter. The demand is so high for quality wire harnesses that Senra began building harnesses in an apartment within weeks of incorporating them. Fast forward 6 months later, and Senra now owns a factory in Los Angeles building harnesses for the most notable companies in the industry, such as Northrop, L3 Harris, Rocketlab, and Anduril.